Wocan ally meetup


join us for the launch of Wocan ALLY!



It’s been said that the word ally is a verb, not a noun. In other words, it’s not just about declaring yourself as an ally. It’s about the actions you take in terms of your voice, time and talent. In order to give you a more tangible platform to act, we’re excited to launch the WOCAN Ally program!

We are coming together for the FIRST time to connect, brainstorm, and learn how we can collectively support WOCAN’s mission & vision as ally members. You can expect to:

  • Build valuable connections with other allies

  • Gain valuable insights and skills on how to be a better ally

  • Share your ideas to help our Ally Program elevate WOCAN

As part of the kickoff meeting, you’ll be placed in small groups where you’ll discuss key topics related to allyship. Our topic for the first event is “Ally Up! Practice Effective Allyship” a short article from Cornell. Click HERE to access the article and be prepared to discuss.



Date and Time: Thursday, January 20th @ 4pm PT/7pm ET 

Audience: This event is geared to WOCAN ALLY members

Location: Zoom link sent after registration


REgister for WOCAN ALLY Meetup - JAN 2022

Thank you to OUR PARTNERS!